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  2. 疲れた!!!
  3. GLAMOROUS photoshoot with Erika Sawajiri http://bit.ly/aFZdau
  4. 最新ではない、最新 SEO 2010 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20100427-00000001-inet-inet
  5. Happiness? Start with a £42,000 job (and a £1/2m house and £33,000 in the bank) http://bit.ly/aXCSBE
  6. From pony club to poker star: Glamorous British 'Iron Maiden' wins £1m in card tournament http://bit.ly/9eAKXn
  7. Air fares to soar by 11% thanks to the ash cloud and rising oil prices http://bit.ly/c3R1bw
  8. Goldman Sachs' 'conflict of interest inflated Lloyds bail-out costs' http://bit.ly/dDfVnR
  9. Swedish royal wedding called off after Bournemouth student says 'I had a one-night stand with groom' http://bit.ly/aV6u1G
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  14. ゴールデンウィークの天気傾向発表、お出かけ日和は5月1日~3日 http://bit.ly/a0JqHU
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